“I dress weird, but guess what? I don’t care!”

Jeremy Nowell

Jeremy Nowell

A new school, new friends (which are yet to be made, ha!) , but same ole me! Yes, going to an entirely new place can be stressful and sometimes you want to conform to what you think everyone wants you to look like, but guess what? that’s not me!

I am weird, I dress out of the box and most likely if you are with me in an environment you will be spotted! Who says fashion has to be just a t-shirt and jeans on a warm sunny day. Reach back into your closet and find something that fits your mood.

Yesterday, I went out for the first time at this new school dressed like this (above photo). I found this really cool and unique two-piece set at a thrift store for $3. Don’t judge me, but I bought it because I was getting Golden Girls vibes. Yes, that’s one of my favorite TV shows. Their style was always so retro, fresh and different!

I paired this outfit with some Rue 21 jewelry, brown penny loafers, a straw hat and some cool glasses. This entire look was under $20, giving new meaning to looking great on a budget.

The amount of compliments I got was amazing. I have to say, it’s much easier to meet new people when you look your best and feel confident and this is coming from an ultra shy person!

It may not be loved by all, but it’s loved by me!

2 thoughts on ““I dress weird, but guess what? I don’t care!”

  1. lol that two piece totally has a Golden Girls feel!!! We love that show!
    well done on your attitude and confidence!
    xx Vera & Rony

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